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Know the facts

Know The Facts 

Working Together

We rely on generous donations to help fund our programs to help end teen suicide.

  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young people between 10 to 24 in the U.S.
  • Teenagers and young adults have the highest rates of suicide compared to other ages
  • Suicide rates in Central Florida are at a 20 year high
  • OHSU researchers found a startling 5-fold increase in pre-teen children ages 10-12 attempting to take their lives
  • Nearly 20% of High School students report serious thoughts of suicide
  •  9% have made an attempt to take their lives
  • Not all people who are considering suicide appear outwardly upset or depressed
  • Only 50% of suicides are attributed to depression
Need Help

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, available 24/7

Dial 988



Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends and trusted adults in your life for support. You can also call the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline any time — calls are confidential.

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© 2023 The Capehart Foundation Inc. 

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